
Renewed chieftaincy disputes in Bawku

At the heart of the Kusasi-Mamprusi conflict is an accumulation of issues about litigations over allodial rights and chieftaincy. Both the Kusasi and the Mamprusi claim allodial ownership of Bawku.

January 2022 Monthly Bulletin

In January 2022, the WANEP National Early Warning System (NEWS) recorded 130 human security incidents. The incidents resulted in 109 fatalities and 209 injuries. The fatalities recorded involved 43 males

January 2022, Weekly highlights

Week 1 to Week 4 NEWS Highlights for January 2022. Ghana Weekly Highlights ,January 1st – 9th 2022 Ghana Weekly Highlights ,January 10th to 15th, 2022 Ghana Weekly Highlights, January

Annual Report 2019

In 2019, WANEP commemorated twenty years of its existence and operations. The 20th anniversary was a unique occasion to celebrate our major achievements in the last two decades as well

Annual Report 2018

The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) is the leading regional Civil Society Organization in conflict prevention and peacebuilding conceived in 1996 and officially launched in 1998 in response to